Saturday, March 12, 2011

DESIGN for babies

Since becoming a mother, a whole new world of graphic design has opened up to me. Its amazing how in a category like babies, there can be such BAD and such AMAZING design. When I was first introduced to this world, I actually cried, imagining my home over run with hideous plastic junk and horrible "cutesy" shirts that say "I'm a boob man" and "I-pood." Cringe.

But you really don't have to look far, or spend a lot, to find really lovely baby/kid stuff. Although you can't control what family and friends generously give you as thoughtful gifts, you can choose to seek out the rare and unique. A new trend in retro inspired and minimal graphic inspired wooden toys has risen. True, although I do drool over the vintage-looking ride on cars, I quickly snap back to reality when I look at the price tag with more digits than the car has wheels.

I get inspired by the whimsy and softness of some of Sam's treasures. The simple shapes of the wooden toys and the simple, derivative illustrations in both books and greeting cards we've been given. I did get a tongue lashing from a few members on an online mommy board where I was asking if people could recommend a line of baby gear that was neutral because I was freaking out about all the plastic crap out there (although I did word it better than that.) I was told babies respond to loud colours and cartoon characters. I don't personally remember b
eing a baby, but can't imagine going from the dark, warm softness of the womb into the cold, harsh world of Barney as a pleasant experience.

Edna Mae, or Edna Mae Originals, has her own blog and Etsy shop. Beautiful custom baby books.

Another Esty find were these beautiful hand-felted mobiles by FishyFishy. I got the goldfish one for a friend who was doing a fish theme for her new baby girl's nursery.

Some of Sam's new Baby cards that I've kept out on his book stand because they were just too lovely to hide away:

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